Surfboard Foam: Why Epoxy Surfboards are Better.

May 06, 2009

Ever wondered what keeps your surfboard floating in the water with your body weight on it? Well, since the 1950's, after surfboard makers moved away from the wood off trees, you'll pretty much always find a foam core at the center of your board. There are a couple of different foam substances available for use in surfboard manufacture.

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Quick Surfboard Repair: Fix Your Board For Next to Nothing

April 28, 2009

You are out surfing fantastic sets in the middle of some remote surf paradise. There are only two things in the water: you and your surfing buddies. The place is so remote that there isn't even a surf shop. Sounds fantastic until you ding your surfboard on that nasty piece of coral. Or worse, it gets knocked around on the plane before you even get out into the sets.

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Duck Diving for the Short Surfboard Surfer.

April 17, 2009

If you are ever going to get out to the line up (where the good waves are breaking), then you need to be able to duck dive. This is the technique for going under any wave bigger than 2 foot and is used by surfers on shorter surfboards. If you ride a longboard you should read our article on the turtle roll--you can't duck dive a longboard surfboard. Too floaty.

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The Turtle Roll for the Longboard.

April 06, 2009

As you may have already discovered, your longboard cannot be used for duck diving. Longboards are just way too buoyant for this technique. To get through the big stuff, and to also escape any runaway surfboards, the turtle roll will now be your go to maneuver. Perfect your turtle roll technique with these handy hints. How to Turtle Roll.

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