Anton Anderson

April 28, 2023

Anton Anderson

One thing we are really proud of at Degree 33 is our amazing family of ambassadors and friends.  In 2012 we were blessed to get connected to local San Diego ripper, Anton Anderson.  This guy represents the surfing lifestyle and the Degree 33 brand in the best possible way.  A standout in any lineup...he surfs fast, radical and has classic shortboard style.  Some of Anton's favorite spots to surf are Blacks and Ocean Beach in south county .  Recently he took a dream trip to the Mentawais where he was able to get some of the best waves of his life.  More importantly he is a husband, father, business owner and friend to many in our community.  He has been a huge supporter of the 100 Wave Challenge event raising money for at risk youth.  This guy that is always smiling and treats others with respect regardless of how good they surf.  We have been building him hand shaped hand boards since the beginning and he has stayed loyal to the brand.  Check out our recent interview to get to know our friend and ambassador.

Age: 40 

Years Surfing: 32ish

Homebreak:  Terramar (Carlsbad, CA) 

Other Sports/Hobbies?  Entrepreneurship. Not sure why but I love the game of business. 

Favorite band and song? Macklemore - 10,000 hours

Favorite Surfer?  Kelly Slater (of all time), John John (currently) 

What’s your favorite thing about surfing? The variety of experiences and the timeless nature of the ocean. Surfing means so many different things depending on the chapter of life I'm in. There's nothing like it. 

What are your go to boards (size and type)? 5'7" One Board Quiver (epoxy) for anything under chest high, and a 5'11" roundtail custom for anything chest to double over head (both Degree 33 of course :)) 

Best wave you can remember?  Probably in the Maldives! Just so fun and consistent.  

What’s one thing you can’t leave the house without?  Music/podcast/audiobook  

If money was no object, what would be your dream surf trip?  It would be less of a trip and more of an experience. I would spend a year traveling to a dozen different world class waves and spend enough time at each to really understand the wave and local culture. 

What are you most passionate about?  Learning, growing, improving.  

To learn more about Anton check his instagram @anton_anderson